What is a PSYCH-K® Session?

A PSYCH-K® session is a transformational experience that allows you to explore and ‘rewrite the software of your mind, to change the printout of your life’. This may include clearing subconscious limiting beliefs, creating new empowering beliefs, reprocessing traumatic events, and creating peace, balance, and harmony in relation to the situations or conditions we are experiencing.

We go straight to the operating system like in a computer and update the software and programs that make it run efficiently. All the processes are safe, non-invasive, yet extremely simple, powerful, and effective. We use muscle testing for communication, so we’re never leaving it to guesswork.

It is a do-with process, meaning you are actually the one making the changes, and I am a facilitator to guide you through the processes. This puts the power in you, where it should be. You have all the wisdom and resources you need to make tremendous shifts in your life; this is where PSYCH-K® stands apart from many other modalities in the field.

PSYCH-K® is especially good for working with issues around grief and loss, self-esteem, relationships, communication, spirituality, health and wellbeing, and more. It can be used to reprocess memories and clear up energy around traumatic events. It is also very effective at changing those repeating patterns in your life.

When you release what’s keeping you stuck and create new beliefs that support your goals, you are able to make new choices, and this leads to new results and outcomes in your life.

What To Do Before a PSYCH-K® Session

Before your PSYCH-K® session, consider what you would like to get out of the session. Bring what would be the most impactful thing in your life if you could change it. When we begin, I will ask you what your intention for the session is.

If online, arrange to be in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed or distracted, and use a laptop with good internet where possible, as you will need your hands free for the processes. Consider this session as a gift you are giving to yourself.

Muscle Testing - Communication with the Subconscious Mind

Whether in person or online, we will use muscle testing throughout the whole session. Note, the muscle testing is only for communication purposes and not the process for making the changes. That’s all in you.

In person - we will first establish clear communication to ensure you are completely happy with the clear signals of the yes and no answers. Then we’re off and running!

Online - we can still use muscle testing; only I will do it on your behalf in surrogation, as I am not able to physically test with you in person.

Every process, is always done with permission and safety protocols.

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Starting the Session - Understanding Your Current Situation

Share what your current situation is; this will give valuable information for us to make the most of the session. We don’t generally need to talk for too much like traditional therapies, as once we have the juice we are going to get into the changes.

If any big blocks or traumatic memories emerge during our conversation, we may address them using rapid processing for transforming the perception of the stressful situation for effective resolution.

We may go into further questions to uncover the root causes behind any recurring patterns or beliefs you're holding onto. I will guide you through this, so don’t worry if you don’t know the causes; the information is always there in your subconscious mind.

🔎 Receive Hidden Messages about Your Situation

In cases where there is confusion or complexity regarding the condition or situation, we can tap into valuable information by receiving messages from your conscious or superconscious mind. These insights will help you understand different aspects you may not have known were part of your situation, and with this information, it can help to craft a compelling Goal Statement that you can download at the subconscious level of the mind

Creating Goal Statements & The Change Process

You'll then create a simple, powerful, and meaningful Goal Statement (a statement of belief) that truly resonates with the outcome you aim to achieve and your heart and clearly aligns with. When you’re ready, we will find the best and most efficient PSYCH-K® balancing process using muscle testing, and then make the change efficiently.

We have a very full and holistic menu of processes to cover any scenario or complexity, and your subconscious mind selects the most suitable balance to make the changes, from finding beliefs that are out of alignment, core beliefs, relationship balance, rapport and communication, alternative life, optimal health and wellbeing, and more.

Most balances usually take only a few minutes, if not seconds, so we can usually get a lot of great work done. Yet for more complex processes, they may take up to 45 minutes due to the depth of the balance.

What is a Goal Statement?

A goal statement is formulated kind of like an affirmation, except we are not affirming, we are directly programming the subconscious mind with direct and clear information. Some basic examples that may arise are:

I trust myself.

It is safe for me to trust my choices.

I do my best and my best is good enough.

I have a group of supportive friends who love and respect me just as I am.

Confirming the Changes

After each balance, we’ll confirm it’s complete, and you’ll usually feel different, we’ll then check in to see if there are other new goal statements or even new awareness around doubts, fears, and blocks that may be in the way after changing the new perspective. This is perfectly normal, and it is just making sure we are covering everything that may be blocking.

We’ll continue this process until you feel complete. If there is time, we can explore further situations and balances to support different areas of life.

Action Steps and Integration:

With the changes complete, we devise simple action steps to integrate them into your daily life. This feedback loop reinforces trust in the process, conscious awareness of the subconscious changes, and catalyzes exponential shifts in your belief system.

With the balances complete, the changes are instant. However, sometimes you’ll notice the shifts instantly, and sometimes you may need to have certain experiences in life to be able to see clearly that something has shifted.

So we always create simple action steps in order to put the changes into action in the 3D Reality, this provides valuable feedback, and allows you to go through the prior blocks with more ease, flow and a new perspective.

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When we work together, we are always aiming for the most important and meaningful shifts for your highest good. It's common to uncover deeper spiritual insights that naturally support transformation beyond your initial expectations, leading to comprehensive change in the areas you wished to address.

Many of my partners state that they initially came in to help their confidence, or communication, and came out with improvements in that, but also perhaps more important, they developed huge changes in their spiritual awareness, authentic truth and purpose.

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