what can you help me with?

  • Health

    Identify and replace beliefs about illness or ageing and support yourself with new beliefs about your body's ability to heal and thrive

  • Anxiety, Stress & Phobias

    Transform the perception of stressful situations and respond with your mind's full capacity

  • Relationships

    Improve your relationships with friends and loved ones, and create beliefs that attract the right people into your life

  • Wealth and Abundance

    Change your relationship with money and attract wealth and abundance

  • Self Esteem / Personal Power

    Break bad habits and destructive patterns, gain confidence and learn to love yourself in any situation.

  • Grief, Loss and Trauma

    Achieve a state of peace, acceptance, or non-attachment regarding people, events, and circumstances to liberate your mind.

  • Performance / Career

    Raise the bar and actualize your full potential in sport, business, learning or any other area of life by programming your subconscious mind to work for you.

  • Designing Your Future

    Be the architect of your life by crafting personal beliefs and perceptions that align with your wishes and desires for the ultimate life you want to live.

  • Addictions

    We all have vices and some form of addictions, and some we are ready to let go of. Addiction may help us get the space we need, have an excuse to take a break and think of good ideas, it may be a way to normalize heightened emotions and relax and fit in in social environments. Our addictions tend to create the experience we want to have, but what if we could choose those experiences without the unhealthy habit we want to change?

  • Working with Animals and other people

    with PSYCH-K® we are able to beautifully and effectively work with others and even pets even when they are not present. We may be able to discover messages from the behavours, situations and conditions and transform their perceptions of stress around various experiences.