PSYCH-K® Balances

New Direction and Resolution Balance

These processes allow us to reach a whole-brained state and transform any limiting beliefs into the new beliefs that support our wishes and desires. Changes can be made in a matter of seconds or minutes, giving us the space to make the most powerful and meaningful changes at the root level.

Transform stressful situations and traumatic events

Traumatic events create a snapshot in our minds to help prepare us for danger and protect us in the future, when we experience anything similar to our experience from younger ages, we repeat the situation in our mind, bringing the brain out of balance

This safe and simple process allows us to re-perceive any stressful situations or conditions, traumatic events and anxiety about the future, often leading to acceptance, forgiveness, and a state of peace, and non-attachment.

Core Belief Balance

Turn your struggles and current life experience into massive positive changes in your life. Imagine seeing a blueprint of where you are sabotaging yourself at the core level. With this balance, you will discover this information and make all the necessary changes.

This balance changes beliefs around self-worth, identity, self-love, welcoming change, forgiveness, learning from the past, self and more.

This one balance takes approximately a whole session.

''It felt like my entire being had been upgraded, and my entire life shifted. Many of the struggles i had faced my whole life changed immediately. It was fascinating to see how the beliefs i had, reflected the struggle, sabotaging patterns and behaviours I had been repeating my whole life.''

Relationship and communication

Relationship Balance

This amazing and effective Balance can be used to transform issues between two people such as couples, parents and children, friendships etc. It can even be used between a person, an entity or concept, such as your relationship with food, money, success... and even yourself.

This creates balance, harmony, and increased synergy instead of the triggers that cause us to be frustrated and angry with the other.

Rapport Balance

Learn how to automatically release triggers, and build rapport and communicate with others in a simple and easy way. (verbally and non-verbally)

This is extremely helpful to anyone who experiences frequent miscommunication with others or has difficulty with learning, focusing, listening, or public speaking.

After completing this Balance you will be able to listen to three types of language - visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic. You will also be able to maintain balance in the presence of body language towards you.

Discover messages about our situations or conditions

In our sessions, we can discover clear messages that the body and mind are trying to teach us about the situations and conditions we are focusing on. This is a fun and insightful way to give us valuable awareness and help us find the root cause of the situation or condition.

Through this awareness, we can create new goal statements to integrate the message and move on with ease.

Wisdom is always within us, and with these simple approaches, we can access it easily to reach our most effective outcomes.

Optimal Health and wellbeing balance

Similar to the Core Belief Balance, this Balance is a simple and powerful way to change a wide array of beliefs, but even more specifically, ones that may be stopping you from achieving your health goals. It works with 22 pairs of Belief Statements in areas crucial to optimal health and well-being including, but not limited to:

  • Passion and enthusiasm for life

  • Ability to receive support from others (emotional and physical)

  • Optimism

  • Stress and anger management

  • Energy to live life

  • Personal Security

  • Dealing with challenges effectively

  • Seeing the humor in life

  • Love and Affection

  • Dealing with grief and loss

  • Diet and exercise

  • Self-Healing Ability

Following this Balance, a comprehensive Optimal Health and Wellbeing Action Plan will be developed to realize the full potential of the new beliefs. The full process can take up to 90 minutes and may need to be split over two sessions.

Balances continued…

Alternative Life Balance

In this Balance, breathwork is used to reprogram the subconscious mind, transforming any limiting beliefs into those that align with the life you want 'free' from physical or emotional conditions. This gives the brain the signals to produce a chemical environment that supports optimal health and wellbeing.

The Alternative Life balance takes advantage of the fact that the brain responds to real and imagined experiences in the same way; the mind can affect the body's chemistry. Have you ever remembered or imagined something horrible or embarrassing and felt your body react physically, such as remembering that time you went to speak in public and froze up, you may have noticed your face go red and your body becoming stressed even though it's not actually happening right now?

Transformation of a Reactive Response

For allergies or intolerances, this balance may be of interest to you. This process identifies if a reactive response such as sneezing, watering eyes, or gastrointestinal discomfort, is truly a response to a substance, food, or animal, or if it is actually related to a person, event, or situation that became associated with the triggering object. If this is the case, we can Balance around the root cause of the reaction and in many cases remove the response, allowing you to enjoy your life with one less limitation.