Want to connect with others and transform your energy during these crazy times?

Next Call - THursday

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10am Costa Rica / 12pm New York / 5pm London, UK time / 

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If you sense big shifts happening in your life and in the world, you're likely on a path of awakening. Maybe you’ve even imagined being part of something like Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters from the X-Men?

Yeah? Us too.

That's why this space exists—so we can explore and develop our gifts in an environment where they're accepted and celebrated. Here, we connect and upgrade our energies to navigate life and master our unique abilities.

By working together, you'll enhance your gifts while clearing the path to a more fulfilling life. If you're committed to serving a world awakened to unity and love, come and see if this is for you.

The purpose of this group is to work on our energies and overcome obstacles together. Whatever you're going through, you'll find people here who resonate.

When you show up, your presence amplifies the collective field, transforming heavy energy into light. This benefits not only ourselves but our families, communities, and the world at large.

In this group, you'll join committed individuals to align your goals, situations, and life path with divine purpose. You'll experience unique meditation practices designed specifically for the group and have opportunities to share experiences and insights.

This is a sacred space where your divine wisdom will be revealed. We're a global community supporting each other towards our missions with more ease and skill.

The magic of this group comes from our collective presence, trust, and willingness to be in the best shape energetically and emotionally, contributing to the consciousness on this planet.

If you recognize the importance of a space that allows you to be truly safe, heard, and celebrated for your spiritual gifts, we can’t wait to welcome you.

Do you want to enhance your spiritual gifts with other gifted people?

Is this what you’ve been waiting for?