Client Success Stories

  • “I had an incredible experience with Steve's PSYCH-K sessions. He significantly helped me reflect on my work and financial stagnation, uncovering the deeper roots of my self-sabotaging patterns. The balancing exercises were particularly powerful, bringing about an immediate emotional and mental shift in my perspective.

    Since then, my life in this area has continually improved. I now make prosperous decisions effortlessly, focusing my energy towards my goals rather than scattering it. I find myself more receptive and less in pursuit, feeling less stressed, more grounded, and confident in my work.”

    I wholeheartedly recommend Steve as a facilitator. During the sessions, I felt safe, held, and completely trusting in his guidance.

    Nadja - Health and Wellness Facilitator

  • ”You have to see what Steve can do in 5 minutes that people search for their whole lifetime.

    I used to have many depressive thoughts. Working with Steve, he helped me change my unconscious thought pattern of resenting myself and hating my life and myself, to the absolute opposite: loving myself.

    I have been searching my whole life to transform my depressing thoughts. But everything I tried felt like putting a bandage over a bleeding wound. With his technique Steve treated the wound in an instant.

    I’ve already seen massive positive changes. A massive reduction in self-doubts and fears that in the past had me paralyzed and unable to move forward. Now, I feel so much “lighter”, filled with new creative ideas and enthusiasm for life. Thank you Steve!”

    Sylven Claessen - Engineer | Traceur

  • ”Since my session with Steve, I've experienced a noticeable shift in my financial mindset. I no longer feel the same anxiety and stress around money, and my confidence in managing finances has significantly improved. I now approach financial decisions from a place of empowerment rather than fear and am more open to new opportunities.

    Unlike other methods I've tried, PSYCH-K® goes beyond surface-level affirmations by addressing subconscious beliefs directly, leading to faster and more profound changes.

    I highly recommend working with Steve for anyone looking to transform their relationship with money or any other area of life. His expertise and compassionate approach create a safe space for deep, lasting change. If you're ready to overcome limiting beliefs and step into a more empowered version of yourself, Steve is the person to see.”

    Kellie Rose - Entrepreneur and Wellness Coach

  • ”Steve was a lifesaver for me. I got to experience his transformational healing during one of the lowest points in my life. I was stuck in grief at the loss of a very good friend and nothing else was working to release the pain from my body. His techniques and guidance gave me a calm space to move through this.

    Over the various sessions with him, I moved through different blocks including fear, anxiety, negative thought patterns, and money mindset and we covered a range of issues. Steve is one of my go-to coaches and I highly recommend working with him.”

    Pravina Chetty - Author, Coach, Marketer

  • ”I was lucky enough to have Steve facilitating a Relationship Balance with my beloved sister. A deep relationship filled with so much love and so much pain the same time. The last years we were barely talking to each other. After that Balance, we came much closer and we were suddenly approaching each other with so much more care and understanding. We started a long journey together and on the way we were willing (and able!) to bring in the surface and process small and big wounds of the past. Having back my sister in a healthy and empowering relationship, is one of the biggest gifts I could ask for.”

    Rimi - Wellness Coach

  • ”My work with Steve during a very difficult time in my life was definitely worthwhile. It took effort, time, stepping out of my comfort zone, and honest reflection, but the results have been tremendous. My relationships with family & friends have become a lot deeper, and I am a lot more open…. it’s great!! It was certainly my biggest self-improvement focus of 2021, and worth every moment!!

    I am a changed person; more secure in myself, and a lot more at peace. My friends & family have noticed and commented. I’ve strengthened relationships and embraced new ones with openness & acceptance, and they are flourishing. As are all areas of my life.”

    Clint Hall

  • ”From first-hand experience, I know that Steve's work allowed me to receive instantaneous transformations of subconscious beliefs through an effective, honest, and no-BS methodology.

    He showed me that, perhaps, endless hypnosis and healing treatments are not necessarily required when dealing with the subconscious.

    Steve works with you, (using your own words, beliefs, and intentions) and not on you. He has a unique gift of bringing about shifts quickly (which you feel immediately) in such a gentle and collaborative experience. I am grateful to have worked with Steve.”

    Julie Suen - Infinity Estate Law Group LLLC

  • ”Working with Steve was such a releasing catharsis. I can not believe what we have accomplished in one session. His insights, his compassion, and his powerful techniques for changing states and stressful situations blew me away. Looking forward to further transforming with Steve! He's one of a kind!”

    Annie Lebrun - Body-Matrix Specialist

  • ”Steve really knows what he’s doing when it comes to quick, effective, transformational techniques. In just one session, I could notice shifts around me and things just getting into flow. After another session, I again found nearly instantaneous results that evening. I don’t know how he does it, but Steve is amazing at what he does and I highly recommend setting up a session with him.”

    Rohail Rizvi - Entrepreneur

  • ”Steve is a true giver and knows how to dig in deep, quickly. When we first met, he helped me immediately with some mindset problems I had, and within 15 minutes, I was able to fully be myself, and let go of my fears. Thank you so much for your powerful work - anyone who wants to change their belief system should have the chance to work with you!”

    Gui Perdrix - Entrepreneur

  • “Every session has been an incredible one. I have learned how to calm my mind down, including the discipline of bliss in my daily life. My productivity shot up by 50% I was able to optimize my time. Getting twice as much work done. I was able to boost my creativity and return rate of my projects.' 100% would recommend”

    Aqib Malik - Social Media Marketing | Course Author

  • ”I can't speak hight enough of our sessions. I can describe it but it is so much more than just what I can put into words.

    Steve helped me to unlock the psychological and stress related causes of my physical symptoms. After the sessions I could feel relief and my physical condition shifted and my complaints disappeared after a day or two.”

    Orsi Cseh - Learning Experience Designer

  • ”I worked with Steve through multiple limiting deep beliefs about work, manifestation, and life in a manner that was simple, non-invasive, and transformative.

    The results were quite immediate and outstanding, and the clarity surprising!

    Steve is a genuine, authentic person, truly out there to work with people and make a difference. A remarkably simple human being, Steve is a lovely being to be with!”

    Christina M. Ghose - Management & Entrepreneurship

  • ”I did a session with Steve without knowing exactly what is about to happen, I just dived in with an open mind. I felt good and trustful because Steve has a gift to make you feel safe and held. The change was quick but more importantly, it is lasting, and I started to really understand the shift days after the session. Before the session, I thought I will repair all my misbeliefs myself, no matter how long it will take but Steve showed me that you don't always need to do everything by yourself and that change can be fast. Thank you.”

    Kadri Koppel - Welfare Coach

  • ”I had the absolute pleasure to meet Steve and get in touch with this awesome human and his easy-to-follow, applicable, and *instant* transformational techniques. Steve is empathetic, asks open questions to guide you to the core of your misery, and resolves it. It's a walk in the park and life-changing in minutes. Just Fabulous”

    Verena Webel - Coach | Designer

  • "Steve helped me tremendously to understand how my belief system, shaped by my past, was no longer serving me in the present.

    Together, with the tools used in our sessions, I created new beliefs and installed them in my system, which allowed me to let go of the past and become more productive and present in the here and now.

    I am very grateful for the work we have done, his kind soul, and his patience."

    Soren - Emotional Coach and Healer

  • ”What he has taught me has changed how I see the world! He helped me to change my mind about my perception of myself and improved my confidence level in communicating with strangers and even on the stage, enhancing my public speaking skills.

    I feel very thankful to him on my transformations and the tips given to me to re-align my thoughts and focus!”

    Steve Choong - Entreprenuer, Teacher

  • "It was surprising how quickly my mindset shifted.

    I went from laughing at the idea of adopting the certain positive beliefs i wanted, as I thought it was impossible to change, to genuinely expressing the new positive beliefs with confidence just moments later.

    The new changes felt as if they had always been my baseline."

    Alex - Advertising and Marketing

  • "Steve helped me bring new meaning to various areas of my life by identifying and addressing beliefs that were blocking me from pursuing what’s important to me.

    Remarkably, we were able to shift these beliefs in just a few moments. I was impressed by how our bodies can so readily recognize our true desires and change our beliefs accordingly."

    Beatriz - Sales & Coaching

  • ”Steve is a very dedicated healer and wants the best for the people he works with. I am an energy healer and a hypnotherapist and am very glad to be introduced to his work as an alternative to people with deep blockages that needed to be moved effectively and quickly out of the system.”

    Teresa Wong - Energy Healer / Hypnotherapist

  • “This has definitely been one of the most unique experiences I’ve ever had. The first time I had a session, I entered feeling skeptical and even a bit embarrassed by my lack of knowledge on the subject, but in just two minutes, my mindset was shifted. It was fun, insightful, exciting, and relaxing. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced so many positive emotions in just one hour. I feel very grateful!”

    Lorena - Marketing and Sales Leader

  • "I didn’t know much about how this worked, but just a few minutes into the session with Steve, everything clicked—insight, clarity, and answers all at once. This is an amazing tool, and Steve is exactly the person to help you find the answers within yourself!"

    Neil Ateem - Author, Finess Coach

  • "Steve has helped me tackle some deep-seated issues that have been bothering me for years. I highly recommend him as a practitioner."

    Jon Frost - Business Consultant, It Technician

  • "Just had a phenomenal session with Steve—gained so many insights and left feeling incredibly empowered! What made the session extra special was Steve’s attentive listening, his willingness to share his knowledge, and the tools he provided for me to continue working on myself. I felt a sense of balance and acceptance with every step.”

    Bally Aujla - Entrepreneur