Are you on a quest for spiritual growth, seeking a guide to help you integrate profound insights from your retreats and plant-medicine journey’s?

psychedelics & Plant-Medicine integration

If you seek peace and greatness in yourself and want to integrate your learnings at the subconscious level of the mind, look no further.

Coupled with your inner wisdom, I'm here to be your committed and trusted partner in this transformative process.

The journey of deep self-realisation and lasting transformation is here and now. You have all the neccesary wisdom and mechanisms within you.

Facilitating spiritual, whole-brain Integration

These sessions are specifically crafted to guide you in embodying the profound insights gained from your psychedelic experiences.

We seamlessly integrate the conscious information and awareness beyond the direct encounter with whole brain integration, ensuring relevant and meaningful information is downloaded at the subconscious level for your body, mind, and spirit so you can move forward in life with more ease, grace, and flow.

Journey of devotion & exploration

I've dedicated over 12 years in devoted study and practice with multiple ancient and modern life-transforming modalities, for reprocessing the subconscious mind and transmuting energy, filtering out the essentials to ensure the most effective outcomes.

Although i have studied over 10 other disciplines, my primary tool of choice is PSYCH-K®, a holistic and effective set of processes that empowers clients and partners to be fully in the drivers seat of their own transformations, allowing them to receive clear inner guidance and extremely rapid and effective results that last in a safe and non-invasive way.

The Framework Behind this Integration Program

Our higher wisdom

This is a unique, holistic journey designed for the fast-paced nature of the modern world. Your innate wisdom holds the key, and we have the tools to unlock it. We always ask for permission and confirmation from your higher wisdom, making it fully safe, non-invasive.

effective tools

Before and/or After your plant-medicine journey, we set up the first session to prepare and integrate the received information. Using simple and effective energy psychology tools, the effects and wisdom of the plant-medicine experience can be integrated with all aspects of your being.

align Your Operating System

The problem often lies in misalignment with conscious desires & subconscious programs. Alignment and confirmation is crucial for genuine transformation. We work directly with your operating system, where all your habits, behaviors, and subconscious patterns reside.

Rewriting Your Biology

Investing in integration yields long-term benefits that shape your genetic expression through epigenetics. As cell biologist Bruce Lipton states, "The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body."

Belief Creation for real Change

During integration sessions, create meaningful beliefs aligned with your higher wisdom that penetrate your subconscious mind, becoming as grounded and unquestionable as stating your own name. 

“rewrite the software of your mind, and change the printout of your life” - Rob Williams

The Value of Integration

Investing in yourself through integration sessions brings incredible long-term gains. Transformative changes start with small actions, providing valuable data and feedback. While the effects are immediate, conscious recognition may take a few weeks, emphasizing the importance of follow-up sessions for alignment.

In our sessions you will get to

  • Understand the deeper meaning of your insights

  • Experience fast and effective tools to accelerate change

  • Receive guidance and align with your higher wisdom

  • Create and Integrate necessary subconscious beliefs

  • Discover meaningful action steps to take

  • Enhance your self-healing capability

  • Be confident and safe in the process

  • Mitigate reverting to old patterns

  • Process your experience more deeply

  • Release old and unhealthy patterns

  • Strengthen healthy patterns

Pricing options

  • 1 session: $229

  • 3 sessions: $625 (discounted rate of $209 per session)

  • 10 sessions: $2000 (discounted rate of $169.70 per session)

  • Or we can discuss a unique package to suit your needs

To ensure you have a chance to get the support you need, a Scholarship offer is available via special request to cover some of the fees at this time, please reach out to me or WhatsApp if you would like to discuss the price to support you.

Sessions are generally 1hr

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