How Does it Work?

What is PSYCH-K®?

PSYCH-K® lets us rewrite the subconscious programs so we can experience life the way we want, without struggle.

PSYCH-K® activates our whole-brain potential in any situation in life. When the hemispheres of the brain are in balance, we can rewrite the software of our minds in seconds or minutes.

What is a PSYCH-K® Balance?

A PSYCH-K® Balance is an effective process we use to make rapid changes to perceptions and beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind.

We establish a clear communication with the subconscious mind, and create extremely effective changes with rapid, safe, and simple transformational postures and exercises.

Goal Statements

These are belief statements that you will create to program your mind, together we will uncover the most meaningful and impactful statements to change your life.

When we struggle, it is simply that we have ideas and programs in the subconscious mind that do not support what we are trying to achieve. From here we can create statements that support your wishes and desires so you can move forward with ease.

Muscle Testing

This is the communication with your system. Nothing is left to chance, and we always find the best steps to take for the most efficient, appropriate changes for you.