Discover Your Wisdom with PSYCH-K®

Wisdom Discovery is Transformation made simple! This approach to personal transformation is based on the principles of whole-brain integration. With PSYCH-K® We work together to align the conscious and subconscious mind to achieve your true desires, upgrading your personal beliefs and perceptions to facilitate the changes you want to make in your life.

From childhood, until the age of about 7,  we are in a hypnotic state, where our family, school, media, and other aspects of our environment feed into our minds, preparing us to respond or react to life.

As you may have noticed in your own life, much of this programming does not align with our true desires and is often detrimental to our well-being and flow later into adulthood.

Whole-brain or split-brain research has shown that when the communication highway called the corpus callosum is shut down in any way, it separates the hemispheres of the brain, blocking clear and direct communication between them. When this happens we experience a stress response and even difficulty with simple tasks. When it is open and connected, you’ll feel that balance.

With PSYCH-K® we can rapidly allow clear synchronization between the hemispheres of the brain. Giving us extremely fast reprocessing speeds to update our systems with programs that enhance life, replacing the old limiting programs that may be causing the struggles in various areas of life.

Many other modalities and practices can be complex and often only focus on the conscious level of the mind, at least that’s what I have discovered along the way. But as Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton talk about, we must make changes at the subconscious level of the mind, and update the operating system where all of our habits and behaviours arise. I have found many great tools and teachers that have benefitted me greatly, however, nothing has come close to the direct simplicity that PSYCH-K® brought to my life.

Simply put, if we are struggling in any area of life we can rest assured that our subconscious beliefs and perceptions about life are not aligning with our conscious wishes and desires regarding this struggle.

So if this is causing difficulty in our lives, what do we want instead?

I’ve seen many people, me included, through studying or listening to talks and podcasts have had a sudden insight into what needs to be changed, but simply knowing what we want or what we need to do is not usually enough, hence the typical cycle of getting excited, taking action and moving forward, only to find we hit a wall again a few days, weeks or months later.

so it’s no wonder we run out of resources. Best to enroll the subconscious in on our conscious endeavors than to try and overpower it.

Our subconscious mind is running the show 95% of the time

The remaining 5% is in the conscious

It’s no wonder we run out of resources… Best to enroll the subconscious in on our conscious endeavors than to try and overpower it.

If there was a battle between 95 people and 5 people, what are the odds? those 5 people, with their passion and might, may make a little progress to begin with, with sheer will and a little momentum, but soon they will get tired and become overrun. This is what I found, and what got me into this work in the first place.

I couldn’t tell you how many times in my life I got so excited, inspired, and productive on a project, it felt like everything was finally all happening for me.

It usually lasted about 2 weeks, then I would screech to a halt, suddenly lost for ideas, with no energy, no support, and no time, as if I had sudden amnesia about what i was doing, and at the drop of a hat I was back in a daze as if nothing had changed.

I noticed this personal pattern for years before I knew there was something I could actually do about it. I made some headway with meditation, EFT, ho’oponopono, and various other practices (which i love and respect too by the way) but it wasn’t until i experienced a PSYCH-K® balance that I finally found what i was looking for.

The wisdom is already within us.

If this resonates, and you are ready, and willing to dive into change, discover more about how you can rapidly and effectively benefit your journey of personal transformation. 


To Help or Not to Help