Afraid of curiosity? 🤔

I woke this morning with this question about questions in my mind..

and off on an internal tangent I went.. 🤡

It's your first duty as a teacher to work on yourself. To take responsibility and shift your energy anywhere you take it personally, anywhere where if someone gives you something, a question, a gift a challenge, you receive it without condition, without judgment. When I person asks you a question And it shakes something vulnerable up inside. Can you take it and hear it and respond to it?

I was listening to my energy around the topic of asking people questions. I'm a curious person and I would like to ask people questions, but In done places, I found I built up a wall and resistance to it, why? Because I sense the person's discomfort they feel in revealing stories and information and parts of themselves. When I asked my subconscious where it came from...

Part of the puzzle was being a kid in school age 7, having the teacher make me wrong and bad and in trouble for being curious. ... Now decades later I am discovering that I am still being limited by this experience replaying in my subconscious mind 🤔🙃😅🤷

Luckily I know how to identify and clear that shit..

Why couldn’t i see it before? Well, that's the point of it being subconscious, it is below my conscious awareness. It only came up through my personal questioning of why I sometimes feel bad for asking people questions.

Other aspects were there too, being 3 and also parents not being comfortable, and understandably overwhelmed by a barraging-curious toddler constantly asking questions.. So then I built up another system to know NOT to ask questions because it made them impatient and uncomfortable..

Kids have a way of showing their parents and teachers their shadows.. but the adults have more psychological power in this sense that they can manipulate a kid into distorting their experience to mean something other than it actually is.

Unfortunately, sometimes the kid then turns down the volume time after time until they are an adult and then become shy and lose confidence to be open and curious about others. I feel more and more, that as a grown-up and teacher....

p.s. We are all teachers.

It is our duty to work on ourselves to be more resilient to confrontation. Other wise we are going to program new generations of meek, timid people who are in fear of being curious and asking people how they feel or what they are doing. Or WHY they are doing it.

Don't shut someone down with force if they make you uncomfortable. Listen to what they have awoken in you, and learn to be calm and respond instead of react.

If it's uncomfortable take your time. And let them know. it may take some practice but it benefits everyone.


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